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BITS: ICES Baltic International Trawl Survey for commercial fish species
Fish trawl survey: ICES Baltic International Trawl Survey for commercial fish species. ICES Database of trawl surveys (DATRAS). The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Copenhagen. 2010. Online source: http://ecosystemdata.ices.dk. https://marineinfo.org/id/dataset/2760
Holdsworth, Neil
This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Notes: ICES Data Policy: https://www.ices.dk/data/guidelines-and-policy/Pages/ICES-data-policy.aspx
Baltic International Bottom Trawl Survey dataset includes age- and length-based catch per unit effort data for commercial fish species in ICES Baltic sub-divisions. more
The Baltic International Bottom Trawl Survey Database (BITS) includes research vessel data from national fishery laboratories around the Baltic Sea from 1991 until present. Two species are considered as target species; cod and flounder. Herring, sprat and the by catch species (see the BITS manual) have been reported in the years 1991 to 1998. However, it has been optional to report these species since 1999 and the database is therefore not complete with regard to these species. Data are given haul-by-haul as mean catch per unit of effort (CPUE) per length class (1 cm interval for all species except herring and sprat, which are reported in ½ cm interval). In addition, mean CPUE and mean weight per length, age, maturity and sex are given haul-by-haul for sub-samples of the target species.
The Baltic International Bottom Trawl Survey Database (BITS) includes research vessel data from national fishery laboratories around the Baltic Sea from 1991 until present. Two species are considered as target species; cod and flounder. Herring, sprat and the by catch species (see the BITS manual) have been reported in the years 1991 to 1998. However, it has been optional to report these species since 1999 and the database is therefore not complete with regard to these species. Data are given haul-by-haul as mean catch per unit of effort (CPUE) per length class (1 cm interval for all species except herring and sprat, which are reported in ½ cm interval). In addition, mean CPUE and mean weight per length, age, maturity and sex are given haul-by-haul for sub-samples of the target species.
Biology, Biology > Fish
Marine/Coastal, research vessel, Trawling, ANE, Baltic, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 1758, Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Geographical coverage
ANE, Baltic [Marine Regions]
EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box
Coordinates: MinLong: 9,5758; MinLat: 54,0667 - MaxLong: 24,4333; MaxLat: 58,65 [WGS84]
Coordinates: MinLong: 9,5758; MinLat: 54,0667 - MaxLong: 24,4333; MaxLat: 58,65 [WGS84]
Temporal coverage
From 1991 on [In Progress]
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), more, data manager, data provider, data creator
Holdsworth, Neil
Related datasets
Parent dataset:
DATRAS: ICES Database on Trawl Surveys
Published in:
EurOBIS: European Ocean Biodiversity Information System
Dataset status: In Progress
Data type: Data
Data origin: Monitoring: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2010-12-22
Information last updated: 2022-08-02